Smart Environment For Disability

The disabilities groups of target consist of the following categories in a society; the sightless, the deaf, the partially sighted, the individuals with walking difficulties, the users of the wheelchair, the mentally disabled individuals, and the physically fitness susceptible individuals.

The paper deals more with technical considerations, the design measures that must be considered during planning in the developing of environment to accommodate everybody despite their physical disabilities. The factors to be considered will be issues such as the complementary design for the domain. These will be recreational places, pathways, open spaces, entrances of the buildings and their interior buildings.

In the architectural design considerations; the architectural design section takes into account all the requirements for the horizontal and the vertical accessibility of the new built building or the existing structures. This will involve the;

Elevator design; the elevators should be constructed to aid in the movement of the physically disenabled individuals. Elevator will be essential for raising and lowering mechanically hence significant in the fact that lame individuals will be using the platform or the cage as the means of locomotion from one floor to the other floor in the building. This will ensure that the urban setup is not only for the physically fit individual to walk or carry out their activities. The environment will be cohesive for all the individuals.

Ramps; are usually an inclined surfaces tending to connect two different levels. It can also be a moving staircase where the lame can easily travel without the support of others. When architectural design is done in such a manner to consider all the existing individual, the environment will be created that is smart for all the people and disables included. Using of ramps will also make it easy in goods transportation by all the individuals whether fit or not. In so doing, the smart environment for the disables will be created, and this makes them feel part of the society.

Doors; doors are usually a barrier to a given part of the building. This can be a swinging door of a sliding one. The design of the gate should be that which allow access to all. The handle should be that which is easily reached and involving less energy to open. Computerized door, where codes are used to open them, will be the best for use for the some disables. The individuals who are sightless should use doors designed to use fingerprints in the case of offices. The architectural design of door that are capable of accommodating usage by 95% of the entire population is very essential since most individuals will be capable of using them more so the disables hence creation of suitable environment that is inclusive.

Resting rooms; the urban set up should have resting rums. Most individuals who are disabled some lacks sufficient energy for continuous usage hence places for resting are required to help them. Individuals with walking difficulties will not work or walk continuously hence importance of resting place. All the architectural design in an urban setup can contribute to creating a favorable environment for disable by having restrooms so as to give the disability a break.

Stairs; stairs are the supports that compose of places to enable foot rest when descending and ascending a level platform in a stairway. The stairs are always tiresome to use mostly when the building has many floors such as 24 levels. The sightless, lame, will find it hard and totally uncomfortable to use such in a building. The architectural design, therefore, should take into account the mobility of the disables using stairs. Some stairs are too strenuous to use and to cause a lot of fatigue to individual. Their design, therefore, requires ergonomic knowledge to develop stairs that are suitable and can be used by everybody comfortably.

Entrances; entrance is anything that provides an access so as to let in or out in a given place. The entrance should be accommodative not only that which considers the usage of the able individuals. Some entries require people with sight mostly when eyes are being scanned for identity hence the sightless are not accommodated in such case. An entrance, where finger prints are used, creates a barrier for the handless. Therefore, the urban gates should have an entrance that can be utilized by both the disabled and the able ones. In so doing a suitable environment will be created that include everybody despite their disability.

Platforms lift; Platform lifts are the cage that lowers and raises people and goods from one floor to another. It is always raised and lowered mechanically. Using the platform lift will enable the lame people to be raised up well on a podium and therefore giving such individual an opportunity to deliver a speech for example in a seminar setup. Such platform lifts helps in height adjustments and, therefore, will solve the problem of the people disabled vertically. A design considering such will create an environment that id inclusive and therefore accommodating the disabled fellows.

Corridors; Corridor is always a closed way or passageway. This might occur between two restricted places. Corridors can occur between two walls, lands, regions that only allow passage between them. In the architectural design considerations, when leaving halls, it should be that which can be easily be used by the sightless, deaf, those with walking difficulties among other disabled individuals. Taking the disability in the construction of corridors will ensure a suitable environment for all the disability.

Creation of a suitable environment and communication is essential so as to accommodate everybody successfully despite their mental and physical state.

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