Jealousy In Othello

The theme of jealousy is apparent in the Shakespeare’s work entitled Othello. The play of Othello emphasizes on the fate of Othello and other main characters due to jealousy. Jealousy is outlined throughout the play through two main characters Othello and Lago. In the play, Lago portrays his real self which triggers Othello to undergo a total transformation which destroys character’s lives.

Othello depicts how jealousy, especially sexual jealousy, is the most destructive and corruptive emotions.It is jealousy which makes Lago to plot the downfall of Othello. Jealousy as well is the tool used by Lago to arouse the passions of Othello. Other characters such as Bianca and Roderigo portray jealousy at different times in the play. Shakespeare uses his characters to portray the evil facing the society through jealousy. Since jealousy is emotional, it leads to destructive influence within the society.

How jealousy works in Othello

Jealousy is the major tragic flaw which brings about suffering, misfortune and death of Othello. Although this flaw is triggered by the external forces such as witches in Macbeth, jealousy seems to dominate the character of Othello in the Shakespeare’s play. In fact, the main factor which destroys Othello is jealousy. Lago is the main character which triggered jealousy in Othello which eventually resulted to the downfall of Othello.

Jealousy makes Othello to destroy what he loves most in the world. The marriage Desdemona and Othello is based on trust and mutual awareness which appreciates the worth of each couple, a love that is not a sensual element of lust. The love of Desdemona and Othello surpasses the physical barriers based on age, nationality or skin color. However, this love is destroyed soon after jealousy overwhelms the memory of Othello.

Impacts of Jealousy on Characters

Shakespeare uses Lago to reveal how close friends instill jealousy in their friends. It is Lago a close friend of the main character Othello who planted the seed of jealousy and suspicion in the mind of Othello. The problem began when an old friend of Othello, Cassio request Desdemona, wife to Othello to intercede on his behalf to Othello. Desdemona agree to do so. This opened an opportunity for Lago to induce jealousy into subconscious of Othello which he successfully accomplished. Eventually, jealousy made the characters to change in horrific manner.

The irony of the drama is that most indignation of jealousy is expressed over offenses which did not occurred. For instance, the jealousy of Othello towards his wife, the jealousy which existed between Lago and Emilia and Bianca jealousy on Cassio had no facts on the accusations. As a result of jealousy, the drama ends up with tragedies.

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