How To Find A Free Essay Online: 10 Helpful Guidelines

Finding an essay online is hard. Whether you use as an example, turn in or even just to frame it and keep it on your wall, telling your parents that it was your essay and you’re A, getting a good paper is insanely hard. And that’s when we’re talking about the ones you pay for. Those can go for as much as $40 dollar, and forgive us, but we don’t think anyone has that kind of money to spend on that…

Yes, there’s always the option of getting a free essay, but… quality is most of the time, not the *ahem* let’s say best. So here are some tips to find a paper that you can use without being embarrassed by it.

  1. Start with enough time. It’s hard to find free essays that are good, so you will have to spend time looking. Time you won’t have if you start the day before you have to turn it in.
  2. Define the course you want your writing to take. This will help you find what you are looking for much more easily.
  3. Google your topic and write free examples next to it. This will help you get some papers that can give you an idea of what you’re looking for, in terms of information.
  4. Once you’ve found those, look around for excerpts of the papers you have to pay for. These give you an idea of the kind of quality and sources you want to be looking for.
  5. Write down the resources you think will help you, the ones you would use if you were the one writing.
  6. Google the resources and see what essays appear. As a matter of fact, you could google them as a list and go to the hits that got most of them.
  7. Read the different options you have available. Don’t stick to the first one you find, there might be better papers out there.
  8. Once you have chosen the paper, you are sticking with, copy and paste it into a word document and open a new document. You can’t turn in that precise essay unless you want to get caught plagiarizing.
  9. From the other papers that you considered, take information and parts that you think will fit in nicely with what you have. This will make the assignment more diverse and less likely to get busted.
  10. Take all the sources and rewrite/ paraphrase the whole thing. You will avoid failing by default and spend less time writing, you must just put it all into your words. You’ll be safe to turn it in.
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